Freya Media - Digital Marketing

Freya Media is a full-scale digital marketing company in Cape Town, South Africa, owned and founded by best friends Kelly and Robyn.

We decided to start our own online marketing company after years of working in the online marketing industry and seeing the benefits it can offer businesses who are not able to afford the costs involved in traditional marketing.

We believe in transparency and are passionate about what we do. What sets us apart is the personal touch that comes with our services. Our clients' success is our biggest priority, and through this we have helped many businesses grow and define themselves in sometimes highly saturated markets.

Our online marketing service include:



What is Content Marketing in Digital Marketing?

The importance of content marketing cannot be overstated—it is foundational in building trust and engaging with customers on a meaningful level. Through strategic content, businesses provide value that goes beyond their products or services, offering useful information that resonates with their audience.

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Posted by Kelly Turner on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 Views: 142



SEO Vs Results – What to Expect and When

By investing time and resources into ongoing SEO efforts and adapting to the evolving nature of search engines and user behavior, businesses can achieve sustainable visibility and success in the online realm.

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Posted by Kelly Turner on Thursday, March 28, 2024 Views: 206



The Power of Partnership in Digital Marketing

We are a small but strong crew of SEO experts, content writers, social media strategists, and advertising wizards – here to enhance your brand's online presence. But there’s plot twist: this isn't a one-sided show. You, the business owner, play a pivotal role in shaping the success of any and all digital marketing efforts.

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Posted by Kelly Turner on Thursday, September 7, 2023 Views: 395